Josie and I decided to get lost after our wonderful chinese noodle dinner in the 9th - luckily we ran into a supermarket and bought the best Bonne Maman Chocolate Caramel Tartlettes to accompany our journey. Here's some of the things we saw:
1. The EXTREMELY tacky metro station at the Palais Royal.

I mean, does it GET any tackier than this? I feel like this is my 3rd grade bead project blown to excessive proportions. Oh wait, let's take a closer look?

Yeah... yeah. I feel like the Orleans are rolling in their graves right now in anguish.
2. Awesome lights above some hotel door. YAY.

3. Fountain... of some sort... duno what it was, we couldn't really make out any of the figures seeing as the water was pouring over them.

4. MOLIERE. Was it horrible that we had no clue who he was (I mean I heard the name before... but... that was the extent of my knowledge)?

Apparently he was a very famous actor / playwright. He was apparently a master a french comedy, but I think this statue was built to commemorate him because he was a favorite amongst the aristocrats. He often gave performances to the King at the Louvre and at the Palais - Royal. And then, you know, got immortalized in stone.
But it's nice to run into him every now and again in the street.